
Don’t Fool Around, Save on Plumbing Maintenance Today!

Did you trust the wrong person on April Fool’s Day? Being tricked by a friend, loved one or colleague can be fun, but sometimes it isn’t. Depending on how bad the trick was, you might be wishing you could get the person back. Although you can’t get a free pass until April 1st next year, you can get back at the person via money savings!

Whether you want to save up an entire year for an elaborate prank next year, or whether you just want to go to a fancy dinner without the person who fooled you, money savings can go a long way, and boy do we have some plumbing service savings for you! If you want to keep more money in your pocket, don’t fool around, read on!


rainwaterThere are a lot of ways to save money with plumbing, but before we get into that we’d like to briefly tell you about an untapped resource: rainwater.

And what better month to discuss this idea than April! Rainwater harvesting can save you money on your water bill and saves sink water for other uses.

The water you harvest can be used for things like filling up your swimming pool, flushing the toilet in the house, landscaping, washing your car, or soaking soiled rags before washing them in the laundry machine.

Water catching containers could be placed under a downspout and paired with a debris filter to collect water in a barrel. There are simple ways to collect water around your house, or there are whole systems you can buy.

An internet search on rainwater harvesting can provide you with a variety of products, as well as DIY instructions on setting up a PVC rain barrel or something else. You can have anything from an adapted trash can all the way to a full-on small water tank to collect gallons of water.

Be aware though of the need to use the water and not let it sit for long periods. Last year the Department of Health in Marion County advised residents to implement “drain and cover” on their properties to decrease the risk of mosquito-borne illnesses.

Stagnant water can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so avoid collecting water if you won’t use it, and also be sure to drain and clean water-catching containers, pet drinking bowls, and other items collecting water at least once to twice a week.


plumbingmaintenanceAnother way to save money is by investing money. If your plumbing is working just fine, you might be tempted to think you don’t need to do anything.

However, you should be getting a check-up for your plumbing once a year. Plumbing technicians can check your sewer line, water line, water heater, faucets, drains, toilets, and more to ensure they are in optimal condition.

Depending on what type of supply pipes you have, they will have various lifespans, which is why the older your house is, the more you need to think about its plumbing. For example, brass pipes might last 40 to 70+ years, but galvanized steel will only last 20-50 years.

Things like annual drain cleaning can prevent clogs before they even start. Making sure your plumbing is working properly can prevent wasted money from leaks in your system, as well as save on the cost and frustration of expensive emergency services that could have been caught before they ate a hole into your wallet or damaged your home.


savemoneyAs owners and workers with families of our own, we know that plumbing maintenance is a cost and that people might not have their tax returns yet.

So as an added bonus, when you work with us, we have coupons on our website for 10% off any invoice or $30 off for new customers! We don’t just talk about ways to save money, we actually help you to save money through our coupons and philosophies.

We take pride in our work as an honest company owned by the same family for over 40 years. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and are dedicated to fixing problems correctly the first time. We won’t push you into making the wrong decision; instead, we’ll give you upfront pricing, multiple options, and honest answers to all your questions.

Whether you call us on May 1st or April 1st, you never need to worry about us fooling you. We even promise you no mess since we cover our shoes before entering your house! If you wish to experience quality plumbing services, give us a call today at (352) 525-2255.